Wednesday, 14 March 2012

First Nurture via Nature Volunteer session went really well! The ladies were super appreciative of our mad planting-bed-building-skills and are looking forward to seeing us again soon. Second session to be confirmed...

Monday, 12 March 2012


DES  DALLY  -   Partner at Dally Henderson LLP Landscape Architects

"Please keep on the grass, Complexities of public space design"

Thursday  15. March
Lecture theatre 6

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

The Thursday Lecture Series Presents: Tom Stuart-Smith

Talking about Private and Public Spaces - 1998 - 2012.

Following on from last weeks big-guest lecture this promises to be a fantastic, insightful and engaging lecture from another leading professional in our field...

Same time (5:15pm)..... Same place (Lt 6).... 

.....but on THURSDAY 8th MARCH